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Game Name : BMX XXX
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2002-11-30 00:22:14
Views : 32733

Level select
Enter "XXX RATED CHEAT" as a code at the cheat menu.

Stage select
Enter "MASS HYSTERIA" as a code at the cheat menu.

Play as Amish Boy
Enter "ELECTRICITYBAD" or "I LOVE WOOD" as a code at the cheat menu.

All bikes
Enter "65 SWEET RIDES" as a code at the cheat menu.

Amish Boy's bikes
Enter "AMISHBOY1699" as a code at the cheat menu.

Hellkitty's bikes
Enter "HELLKITTY487" as a code at the cheat menu.

Itchi's bikes
Enter "ITCHI594" as a code at the cheat menu.

Joyride's bikes
Enter "JOYRIDE18" as a code at the cheat menu.

Karma's bikes
Enter "KARMA311" as a code at the cheat menu.

La'tey's bikes
Enter "LATEY411" as a code at the cheat menu.

Manuel's bikes
Enter "MANUEL415" as a code at the cheat menu.

Mika's bikes
Enter "MIKA362436" as a code at the cheat menu.

Nutter's bikes
Enter "NUTTER290" as a code at the cheat menu.

Rave's bikes
Enter "RAVE10" as a code at the cheat menu.

Skeeter's bikes
Enter "SKEETER666" as a code at the cheat menu.

Tripledub's bikes
Enter "TRIPLEDUB922" as a code at the cheat menu.

Twan's bikes
Enter "TWAN18" as a code at the cheat menu.

Launch Pad 69 level
Enter "SHOWMETHEMONKEY" as a code at the cheat menu.

Rampage Skatepark level
Enter "IOWARULES" as a code at the cheat menu.

The Dam level
Enter "THATDAMLEVEL" as a code at the cheat menu.

Las Vegas level
Enter "SHOWMETHEMONEY" as a code at the cheat menu.

Roots level
Enter "UNDERGROUND" as a code at the cheat menu.

Sheep Hills level
Enter "BAABAA" as a code at the cheat menu.

Syracuse level
Enter "BOYBANDSSUCK" as a code at the cheat menu.

Night vision mode
Enter "3RD SOG" as a code at the cheat menu. Objects will appear greenish.

Happy bunny mode
Ente "FLUFFYBUNNY" as a code at the cheat menu. This mode allows you to get more air.

Ghost control mode
Enter "GHOSTCONTROL" as a code at the cheat menu. This mode allows you to steer ghost ridden bikes.

Super crash mode
Enter "HEAVYPETTING" as a code at the cheat menu. This mode makes your character extra bouncy when you crash.

Green skin mode
Enter "MAKEMEANGRY" as a code at the cheat menu. You can now choose a green skin tone in the custom rider creator.

Visible gap mode
Enter "PARABOLIC" as a code at the cheat menu. This mode - allows you to see all gaps.

All FMV sequences
Enter "CHAMPAGNE ROOM" as a code at the cheat menu.

Bonus Movie 1 FMV sequence
Enter "THISISBMXX" as a code at the cheat menu.

Bonus Movie 2 FMV sequence
Enter "KEEPITDIRTY" as a code at the cheat menu.

Dam 1 FMV sequence
Enter "BOING" as a code at the cheat menu.

Final Movie FMV sequence
Enter "DDUULRRLDRSQUARE" as a code at the cheat menu.

Las Vegas 1 FMV sequence
Enter "HIGHBEAMS" as a code at the cheat menu.

Las Vegas 2 FMV sequence
Enter "TASSLE" as a code at the cheat menu.

Launch Pad 69 1 FMV sequence
Enter "IFLINGPOO" as a code at the cheat menu.

Launch Pad 69 2 FMV sequence
Enter "PEACH" as a code at the cheat menu.

Rampage Skatepark 2 FMV sequence
Enter "BURLESQUE" as a code at the cheat menu.

Sheep FMV sequence
Enter "ONEDOLLAR" as a code at the cheat menu.

Sheep Hills 2 FMV sequence
Enter "69" as a code at the cheat menu.

Syracuse 1 FMV sequence
Enter "FUZZYKITTY" as a code at the cheat menu.

Syracuse 2 FMV sequence
Enter "MICHAELHUNT" as a code at the cheat menu.

The Bronx, NYC 1 FMV sequence
Enter "LAPDANCE" as a code at the cheat menu.

The Bronx, NYC 2 FMV sequence
Enter "STRIPTEASE" as a code at the cheat menu.

UGP Roots Jam 2 FMV sequence
Enter "BOOTYCALL" as a code at the cheat menu.

Park editor
Enter "BULLETPOINT" as a code at the cheat menu. Note: This will crash the game. It is not known at this time if this feature can be enabled correctly.

Topless Girl mode
Win first place in both competition levels to unlock the topless girl option.

Hidden cover picture
Remove the game cover from the case to see a more revealing picture on the reverse side.

Enter one of the following codes.


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